
Showing posts from October, 2014

Let's Fix it: Time Spent With Our Loved Ones

In the world these days everyone is so busy aiming at going places, getting stuff done, trying to beat the clock & staying ahead in the rat race that the important aspects of life cease to exist & stop making sense. We hardly spare time for what we consider trivialities.  I  recall my childhood & those moments when I  received gifts from my Aunts & Uncles for which I am thankful, however I will always cherish & value that ONE Uncle (My Mom's Sister's Husband), although he bought my siblings & myself gifts & chocolates, his actual gift to me was far more valuable - "His Time". Every time he visited, we were thrilled to have him over as he spent hours playing with us, listening to our nonsensical chatter, taking us to the beach, for a walk or for an ice cream. When I try to bring to mind all the gifts I've received, I realise I can't recall them all. However what I very clearly remember is this particular Uncle & the gift

7 DIY Nativity Scenes

With Christmas fast approaching I am brainstorming ideas for DIY'ing the Nativity Scene. In the past years  I have created various nativity acts. For instance in 2008 I used ordinary wooden planks purchased for just S$ 2 a piece from the Daiso Store in Singapore and created a very simple DIY Nativity Scene. I also bought brown & black paint & a green mat from the same shop.  I put together the wooden planks to make what looks like a Manager And this is the completed set I then spray painted the wooden boards using the brown paint as the base and the black paint to add age to the manger. I added small grey gravel to make a pathway & I cut out the green mat and pasted it on either side of the gravel to give it a grassy effect. I purchased a small clip-able battery light which I then used as a focus light on the main subject of the theme (Baby Jesus) The completed Nativity Scene - 2008 In 2009 I created a scene using soft white clay to f