
Showing posts from November, 2014

Life Lessons From Mum

I grew up without a dad cause he passed away 32 years ago. Almost all my memories revolve around Mum who has been  My Strength, My Comfort, My Solace, My Role Model, My Everything! Life was harsh on her, she became a widow at just 37. She was a school teacher earning a meagre salary, had four young girls to raise, the oldest of us being only Eleven. Mum's responsibilities increased greatly with the passing of my dad. However, being the kind of person that she is -  She never gave up!  She ploughed on, shouldering the responsibility of bringing up four young girls determined to make it despite innumerable shortcomings. The fact that we didn't have a dad did not earn us leverage or brownie points. We were still the same to her and I think that only fuelled a need in her to toughen us up. As time rolled by, there are lessons I've learned from her that I will carry with me all my Life and hopefully one-day pass on to my children. Knowing M

Keeping Calm & Blowing Bubbles

The Dive Team with Alan (middle) & Hafiz (extreme left) On the 18th October an email went out from Alan H our Diving Specialist at KBA Training Centre. The email communicated that Alan was going to conduct a  “Commercial Diving Experience for Staff”  in the KBAT Dive Training Tank using Surface Supplied Diving Equipment wearing a Kirby Morgan Hard Helmet. His email stated that no previous diving experience was needed & that the dive was going to be for about 20-30 minute duration, two divers at a time. He also informed us that we would be given a simple construction task to complete during our Dive. As soon as I saw that email, I knew I had to do the Dive. I remember Darren & Brendan, our Directors telling me a year ago that we will be doing this sometime down the lane. And true to their word it was to happen. Days passed by however I still hadn't confirmed that I was doing the dive. I needed to make sure that I was not neglecting work before I signed up, so I

It's MONDAY, But It's O.K!

It was just a week ago on October 20th - A  “Monday” . I noticed various posts shared (on social network) of how much people hate Mondays & how depressed they are to go to work. It seems to me that a good percentage of people to have a problem with  "MONDAYS" . I get it cause I have been there a few times, however as I was travelling to work that morning it occurred to me that   Monday's aren't so bad after all! In fact  Mondays  give me a Renewed Perspective, a Fresh Start & a New Beginning! I couldn't help but wonder why people loathe Mondays so much and as the day breezed by I kept thinking about it. I realised that it probably wasn't  MONDAYS  that was the problem, the real issue was definitely something more.  Here's why I think people may hate Mondays; They've had a  Busy Weekend:  Probably they feel their weekend was too short since it was hectic & they were unable to get enough time to recharge in order to begin the n