It's MONDAY, But It's O.K!

It was just a week ago on October 20th - A “Monday”. I noticed various posts shared (on social network) of how much people hate Mondays & how depressed they are to go to work. It seems to me that a good percentage of people to have a problem with "MONDAYS". I get it cause I have been there a few times, however as I was travelling to work that morning it occurred to me that Monday's aren't so bad after all!

In fact Mondays give me a Renewed Perspective, a Fresh Start & a New Beginning!

I couldn't help but wonder why people loathe Mondays so much and as the day breezed by I kept thinking about it. I realised that it probably wasn't MONDAYS that was the problem, the real issue was definitely something more. Here's why I think people may hate Mondays;

They've had a Busy Weekend: Probably they feel their weekend was too short since it was hectic & they were unable to get enough time to recharge in order to begin the new week.

They Dislike Their Jobs: Most people who do not like Mondays, detest their jobs. A snippet taken from BETH STEBNERS article talks about 70% of Americans being negative with regards to their jobs. As I was going about my work, I realised I was happy, less stressed & I enjoyed what I was doing & most importantly who I was working with - which brings me to my next point.

People Don't Always Get Along with Their Colleagues: I was sitting across a colleague (whom I both respect & admire) while she was on a call. Before she could hang up she said "Happy Weekend" to the person on the other end. No sooner had she said it that she realised it was a Monday & started laughing. This triggered off a hearty laugh from the others sitting around her bay. She finally called off with a "Have a good day". I waited for her to finish & asked her what she was thinking when she shot out the "Happy Weekend", she said that for some reason she felt like it was the weekend. I could tell that she felt that way because over time I've observed that she not only enjoys her work but she also enjoys working with those people every single day.

Being Under-utilised at Work: Another friend of mine who works in an Investment Bank is "In Love" with her job. Most times I tell her that she is married to it. However, while chatting with her she revealed that she enjoyed working with her Boss because he trusts her & gives free reign to make decisions. This instils confidence in her & keeps her assured that her contribution is valued. She admitted that she made a few mistakes, however her boss did not penalise her for it nor did he keep reminding her of the mistakes. In fact he encouraged her to move past it telling her that mistakes are bound to happen & it's a way of growing & learning & to not let it recur. She whispered that some of her colleagues were ignored for their talent & potential, treated shabbily & their bosses pretty much cared about themselves & their own growth & were totally disengaged on the growth of their Associates. 

It's a Cultural Myth: Without realising it we may have been conditioned to associate Mondays negatively & Fridays positively. Sometimes due to the break between Fridays & Mondays our mind may picture Monday as a day where our rest ends & Fridays as a day where we can relax.

#monday #mondayblues #mondaymotivation #mondaybunday


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